Thursday, September 8, 2011

T's First Day of Preschool!

Wednesday was T's first day of preschool.  I took it better than I thought I would.  Unfortunately, he wasn't feeling well Tuesday night (we either brought something in the house or used a cleaning product that gave him really bad allergies) and didn't sleep well.  Thank goodness he is in the afternoon class, because I couldn't get him out of bed until 10:45.

T reading a book before class
At first he was excited to go to school, but changed his mind once we stopped at my parent's house to get his backpack and school supplies.  I'm so glad my mom took care of it, because I totally forgot he needed anything.  I have been really stressed about school and not being with him all day.

He drank his school snacktime milk at my mom's house

Thankfully, after a tantrum and tears, he let me take some pictures and we were ready to go.
He is definitely a ham when he wants to be
I'm so happy we left early, because I got the last parking spot.  After I got there, parents were parking crazy: on the grass, in the middle of the street, in the aisle between rows of parking, and other odd places.  We had to wait inside to find out where his classroom was.

Thankfully, there was this to keep him occupied while waiting
I took him to his classroom and he was immediately playing with some toys, so I gave his backpack and supplies to his teacher and hi-tailed it out of there before he changed his mind about staying.  I'm not even gonna lie; I cried a little when I got back to my car.

When I went to pick him up, I realized he is the biggest kid in his class.  The other kids look younger than Princess, who is a year younger than T.  I don't know if T's just really big and the other kids are his age, or if his speech is so bad that he is with kids a lot younger than him.  I guess it doesn't matter as long as he improves.

He threw a giant tantrum on the way out of school and I had to carry him to the car.  I will never wear 5-inch platform shoes in the rain to his school again, because I thought I was going to trip and kill myself in the parking lot.  Now, my feet are killing me, but T is finally happy because I bribed him with library DVDs.  And I finally picked up my rhinestones at the post office so I can make some deco phone cases.

Hopefully, he gets into the school routine and likes it, since he will be going 5 days a week.  I think it will be easier for me when his busing starts in November.

Mama’s Losin’ It

I wrote this post for this week's prompt from Mama Kat's Writing Workshop (although I probably would have posted the pictures anyway!)
3.) First day of school pictures…let’s have’em!


  1. My daughter's first day of preschool was much less eventful than your son's, but aren't first days so exciting and stressfull at the same time? Mine is the youngest of 4 (by a long time since she was a surprise!) so she has been ready to go to "little tiny high school" for quite some time!

  2. Of course you cried some! We all do! Hope he enjoys preschool!

  3. Happy forst day to both of you! Love the pics and wow do I ever get the tears!

  4. Ooooooh! I think I cried more when my daughter told me "PEACE OUT!" as I tried to walk her into school. SHE'S 2 1/2!! I mean, SERIOUSLY, kid!

  5. Thank you all for the comments. It's nice to know I am not the only one who cried! I felt a little ridiculous about it. @Supahmama, wow, I can't believe your daughter said that! I think I would have laughed as I cried with that one.
